Thursday, February 28, 2019

Can Acupuncture Really Work On Depression?

A majority of people are seeking the best alternative to antidepressant medications, and a new research suggests that the acupuncture could be a good option. According to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), “evidence for the use of acupuncture . . . to treat anxiety disorders is becoming stronger.”

What Is An Acupuncture?

It is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in which practitioners use needles to stimulate specific areas with the aim of treating a variety of conditions like depression. The primary goal of this technique is to promote as well as restore the balance of energy, which flows throughout the body. It can treat a variety of conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress. It can be beneficial for pain syndromes due to an injury or associated with arthritis.
In addition, it can also treat neurological problems like migraines, and respiratory conditions like sinusitis and asthma. Acupuncture is also beneficial for reducing fatigue and additions. In short, it has proven for promoting overall well-being.

Acupuncture For Depression

There are several medical studies that have confirmed the benefit of acupuncture for depression. A 2013 study published in PLOS found that those who received this method saw their level of depression decline slightly as compared to those who received just counseling, and much more than patients who received usual care like medication. And the benefits of acupuncture lasted for 12 months for some patients.
So, if you are struggling with depression and looking for an effective alternative to antidepressant medications, book an appointment with a therapist and get relief for depression by acupuncture in NYC.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree that miami acupuncture can help for those who undergo depression. 4 years ago I have a depression because of the loss of my childhood pet, thanks to my therapist for helping me to surpass that condition.
