Thursday, December 26, 2019

3 Questions to Ask Before Seeking an Acupuncture Therapy

Most of us deal with a medical condition at some point or the other in our lives. Be it the nerve pain or other problems, there are multiple occasions when we have to deal with them. If you are dealing with pain, you need to seek medication that provides you the benefits you need. You can get acupuncture for nerve pain relief in Hicksville if you wish.

Here are some of the questions you should ask before you seek acupuncture therapy:

1. What is Acupuncture Therapy?

Acupuncture therapy is a traditional Chinese concept that helps in removing pain and eliminating other conditions from the body. This process focuses on different pressure points of the body and uses needles to target these areas. According to its roots, this process encourages positive stimulation of blood that helps in the improvement of health.

2. How is it beneficial?

At present, there is mixed evidence regarding the actual benefits of this method. While some studies say it provides a lot of benefits, others have limited evidence. Broadly speaking, acupuncture therapy is known to provide multiple benefits such as treatment of insomnia, hypertension, allergies, anxiety, and depression.

3. What are the different acupuncture points?

Depending on the condition an individual is going through, a professional acupuncture therapist targets areas at different points. For instance, some of the common areas of action include space between the eyes for treating insomnia, hollow of the ankle for menstrual cramps, and the space between your nose and upper lip for treating back pain.

If you wish to get acupuncture for nerve pain relief in Hicksville, you should visit the websites of various acupuncture retailers.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

3 Things to Know Before Seeking Acupuncture for Anxiety Treatment

With the rising number of cases for anxiety and stress each year, the need to address this psychological issue has grown manifold. Although there are therapies and medications to treat these conditions, they may not always be effective. In such a situation, an individual needs to get a natural treatment for anxiety such as acupuncture which will help in treating the condition.

Here are some of the things you should know about the acupuncture session when you are seeking treatment:

1. Initial steps

The first thing you should know is the initial steps included in the treatment. For instance, in the first step of the treatment, you are required to provide your medical information to the therapist. This is the time when you inform them about the problems you are dealing with. This step helps the therapist understand the problem and administer the acupuncture treatment.

2. Details of the session

Once the initial steps are followed, the actual session is performed. In this session, the therapist inserts needles at some of the pressure points of your body. If needed, the therapist twists the needle and inserts them a little. In some cases, they may administer some electrical pulse to those needles. This is the process of the session you need.

3. Duration of the session

Last but not least, you should know about the duration of the session. Generally, the needles are inserted and then they are studied for immediate treatment. The process takes about 10-30 minutes depending on your condition. The needles are carefully left for about 20 minutes before removing them. This will help in the gradual treatment of the process.

If you wish to get a natural treatment for anxiety, you should visit the websites of various acupuncture treatment centers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Acupuncture Helps In Reducing Anxiety

A little worry is a part of human emotion which is natural. But when this worry becomes overwhelming and troublesome, medical intervention is needed. Since, medication can have several counter indications like forgetfulness and shivers, it is advisable to get best Chinese medicine for anxiety. Acupuncture is one such way that can help relieve anxiety. Let’s find out how.

How acupuncture helps?

If you are interested in treating your anxiety and panic symptoms through acupuncture, your first step will be to consult your doctor. The use of acupuncture to treat medical and mental health conditions continues to rise, making it more readily available. Since its effectiveness still needs more study.

Many clinical examination of use of acupuncture for anxiety has shown some positive results. However, this research has many limitations, including small sample sizes and limited ways to measure outcomes. Acupuncturists and medical professionals are unclear exactly why it helps with anxiety, but research has noted that acupuncture appears to have a calming effect.

An acupuncturist uses fine needles that are inserted at targeted areas that sends a signal to the brain. The brain, then, reacts to these signals and secrets dopamine that helps in calming the tensed nerves.

The session could last for about an hour or more depending on the severity of the anxiety. Consult a licensed professionals to get the best results. A little pricky pain could appear at the time of needle insertion which subsides as soon as it is removed. No complications have been reported, however, minor bruises or bleeding might occur. If any thing serious happens, visit the nearest hospital immediately.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

3 Ways In Which Acupuncture Helps In Treating Migraine

Migraine is a condition where individuals experience a chronic headache that causes discomfort. As there have been growing incidences of migraine in the US population, it has become important to come up with a method that helps in treating the condition. For this reason, various medical practitioners have suggested using Acupuncture for this treatment. If you are in a similar situation, you should seek the best acupuncture for treating migraine pain.

Here are some of the ways in which Acupuncture helps in treating the condition of Migraine.

1. Restores positive flow of energy in the body

Acupuncture is known to restore the flow of positive energy in your body. As it uses needles to target the pressure points of your body, it helps in restoring the positive flow of energy that is hampered by chronic pain. If performed correctly, Acupuncture may give several positive results and help an individual to gain relief from the headache.

2. Triggers healing responses

One of the other reasons why acupuncture is important is because it triggers healing responses. When the therapist uses the needle at different pressure points of the body, it stimulates the nerves of the body to release hormones. These hormones are known as endorphins that signal your body and triggers a healing response relieving pain.

3. Has lesser chances of a relapse

Finally, acupuncture is preferred by a lot of individuals for the reason that it has fewer chances of relapse. As compared to other methods of treatment, Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate responses from the body without ingesting any chemical treatments. As a result, once you recover from your migraine pain, you stay healthy and have fewer chances of relapse.

If you wish to seek the best acupuncture for treating migraine pain, you should visit the websites of various acupuncture therapy centers online.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Principles Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis

The process of determining the pattern of diagnosis by the best Chinese medicine practitioner in New York begins with an evaluation of eight main principles. These principles describe the basic qualities of a disease. These are:

1.Yin and Yang
Yin is associated with the lower parts of the body, while yang is associated with the upper body and back. Both yin and yang’s interconnectivity, diseases are not seen as entities separate from the body, but understood as states of yin and yang imbalance.

Interior describes diseases that manifest themselves in the Zang-fu organs or deep inside the body, such as qi, blood, and bone marrow. It used to describe diseases that cannot be classified as exterior.

Exterior describes diseases that manifest themselves on surface of the body, such hair, skin, nails, and meridians. Its symptoms include body chills, fever, aversion to cold temperatures and winds, a weak pulse, and headaches.

Heat describes the absence of an aversion to cold. When coupled with an exterior pattern, its symptoms may include a rapid pulse, fever, body chills, dehydration, and a sore throat. If paired with an Interior patter, it include a preference for cold drinks, clear urine, and a slow pulse.

Cold describes an aversion to cold. If paired with an Exterior pattern, its symptoms may include body aches, a tense pulse, fever, body chills, and headaches. If paired with an Interior patter, its symptoms can include nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Deficiency is used to check qi, blood (Xue), or body fluids (Jinye). Depending on how it connects to Interior and Exterior and Cold or Heat. It can lead to constipation, having a small appetite, dizziness, and slow pulse.

Excess is generally classified as any disease that can't be identified as a deficiency pattern. It indicates that one of the six excesses is present.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

3 Frequently Asked Questions on Acupuncture for Depression

Acupuncture has been traditionally used for a number of ailments like menstrual cramps or arthritis. It has shown proven effect on pain management. Here are 3 most commonly asked questions by a patient opting acupuncture for the first time:

  1. Does acupuncture relieve depression or just associated symptoms?
It helps ease depression symptoms and other underlying condition. In a study by National Institute of Health, researchers found that electroacupuncture transmitted through the needles has the same effect as that of fluoxetine in easing depression symptoms.

  1. Does that mean it’s just a placebo effect?
If a patient receives a non- drug or control treatment like a sugar pill in place of a pain reliever and report symptom relief, it is characterized as placebo effect. Improvements after acupuncture aren’t just a placebo effect because it stimulates the trigger points on the body that releases hormone that can make a person feel better.

  1. Are there any side effects?
There are almost no risk involved best acupuncture cure for depression. A patient might experience mild effects which include:
  • itching at the area of treatment

  • allergic reaction to needles

  • soreness

  • bleeding from needle point

  • bruising around needle point

  • muscle twitching

  • tiredness

  • Drowsiness

There are very rare cases where acupuncture has caused any severe side effects like spinal injury, infection, and respiratory or cardiac problems. This could be a result of improper use of technique or either done by untrained professional.

Monday, July 1, 2019

3 Quick And Easy Way To Shed The Extra Pounds

Do you know that about half of the American population is suffering from morbid obesity? Weighing above the normal BMI can arouse serious health issues like blood pressure, diabetes, heart stroke and depression. Cutting down calories alone cannot help lose those extra pounds. To simplify this misconception, consider these three ways that can fasten the weight loss process.


Drinking water boosts the mechanism. Weak or slow metabolism delays the digestion of food and makes you even fatter. Water accelerates and activates the metabolism to breakdown food intake faster and efficiently. Also, inadequate water intake results in water retention which means the body starts consuming water from other organs to meet its requirements. It leads to swelling, puffiness and bloating. Make a chart or divide the number of glasses you’ll have to take in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. This will help you in keeping a track of your water intake.


Yes, you heard it right! It is the most misunderstood fact to stop eating to reduce weight. Ironically eating more often at regular intervals can help you lose weight faster. Take small meals at regular intervals instead of starving. Include loads of fibrous, protein rich foods like lentils, oats, barley to feel full without overeating. Consider taking herbs that promote weight loss. Shop for the best natural herbs for weight loss.


Dieting without exercise is waste. However, diet plays 80% of the role but is worthless without physical exercise. A brisk walk of 20 minutes or 20 minutes of cardio is enough to kick start your day. Walking is the best way to reduce weight. Walk 60 minutes a day to lose pounds and 90 minutes to maintain that slim figure.

Follow these easy to do habits and you’ll notice a significant change.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

3 Reasons Why You Should Get Palliative Acupuncture

Nerve pains and headaches are frequently common these days. A lot of people go through the pain and try to reduce them. You might have sought treatment for them where you have taken medicines regularly but have failed to get the desired results. In such a situation, getting palliative acupuncture for treating nerve pain and headaches is desirable. Traditionally popularized by the Chinese, it is a therapy which is performed by using needles at certain pressure points of the body.

Here are a few reasons why you should seek Acupuncture therapy -

1. Decreases Musculo- skeletal Pain

Acupuncture helps in decreasing the musculo - skeletal pain that the body goes through. The primary function that is performed by signaling the release of pain- moderating chemicals to the specific body areas. These areas involve hormones like endorphins and enkephalins. In addition, Acupuncture increases the blood flow in the affected area of the body. This effectively helps in reducing musculo- skeletal pain.

2. Reduces headaches

Headaches can be both acute as well as chronic in nature. Chronic headaches can cause significant distress to people who are suffering from it. Acupuncture is an efficient therapy which can help in the management of different types of headaches. Some of the headaches which can be managed include hormone triggered headaches, tension headaches, and migraines. There is a decrease in both the frequency and the severity of the headaches.

3. Promotes Relaxation

In the present times, people frequently undergo stress. It is mainly due to the activities that people do. Acupuncture therapy is an effective treatment which helps in relaxing the tension given to muscles. Chronic stress is one of the main reasons why people witness problems. During Acupuncture therapy, people witness deep relaxation and peace. Thus, you would get to relax while you get healed because of the Acupuncture therapy that you would seek.

In order to get palliative acupuncture for treating nerve pain, you should visit the websites of various Acupuncture clinics on the web.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Leading Acupuncture Treatment For Weight Loss To Maintain Your Youth

Weight loss and gain are factors that often affect how a person ages.  49% of American adults surveyed between 2013 and 2016 reported trying to lose weight at some point during the prior 12 months, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). On the other hand, scientists have found that roughly 90% of Americans have gained weight despite losing it. This can cause skin aging and many factors lead to skin aging. Leading acupuncture treatment for weight loss can solve the ups and downs in skin virility. 

How Improve Skin And Lose Weight?
Losing weight is great to speed the anti-aging process and acupuncture can help repair wrinkles and burn fat. Recent studies have shown that when acupuncture is combined with traditional methods of weight loss, patients lose more weight. Fortunately, leading acupuncture treatment can be effective for weight loss. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles at specific body points or “energy pathways.”

Since fatty tissue burns fewer calories than muscle tissue, you may need to make several dietary changes as you age to maintain a healthy weight. Transitioning into an anti-aging diet can improve your health and aid with your weight loss efforts. 

If you don't take care of your skin when losing weight, serious consequences can result, including loose skin that can develop wrinkles and, ultimately, stretch marks.  Wrinkles can also age your skin's appearance in addition to acting as a precursor to stretch marks.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Lead An Anxiety-free Life With The Best Herbal Treatment

Dealing with the issues on a daily basis is more likely to increase the stress and anxiety levels. Although these might sound petty issues in the beginning, you have to make sure that you get the chance to heal and get the relief from the ways which you want. There are a lot of reasons you encounter in the ways which provoke anxiety. Living a life which is full of spirituality and natural health is a great option. To gain relief, you should get herbal treatment for anxiety.

Anxiety is faced at different levels. Sometimes, you are able to deal with it and sometimes not. While seeking treatment for stress and anxiety issues, natural therapies and herbal treatment make the right choice. Over the years, a lot of individuals have considered herbal treatment which has given it promising results. Chinese therapies and treatments make sure that you will help to create a better frame of health and life which you can look at.

When you have to seek the treatment for anxiety issues, you try to experiment with a lot of things. Medical treatments which are done with the aid of pharmaceutical drugs will result in a manner which will make you more prone to going through different side effects. All the therapies and herbal medicines are tailor made for your needs and the professionals who perform them make sure that you do not suffer from any problems or side effects in due course of time.

Herbal treatment makes sure that each time when you seek it, you feel better than before. Well being comes when you can understand the root cause of the issues which you are facing and working on them. When you reach the levels of happiness, you have got the chance to witness peace at its best and change your outlook towards life. Pondering over things which you do not have a control on can result in anxiety which can be dealt with.

To know more about the treatment, visit the websites of leading herbal therapy clinic centers.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Can Acupuncture Really Work On Depression?

A majority of people are seeking the best alternative to antidepressant medications, and a new research suggests that the acupuncture could be a good option. According to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), “evidence for the use of acupuncture . . . to treat anxiety disorders is becoming stronger.”

What Is An Acupuncture?

It is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in which practitioners use needles to stimulate specific areas with the aim of treating a variety of conditions like depression. The primary goal of this technique is to promote as well as restore the balance of energy, which flows throughout the body. It can treat a variety of conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress. It can be beneficial for pain syndromes due to an injury or associated with arthritis.
In addition, it can also treat neurological problems like migraines, and respiratory conditions like sinusitis and asthma. Acupuncture is also beneficial for reducing fatigue and additions. In short, it has proven for promoting overall well-being.

Acupuncture For Depression

There are several medical studies that have confirmed the benefit of acupuncture for depression. A 2013 study published in PLOS found that those who received this method saw their level of depression decline slightly as compared to those who received just counseling, and much more than patients who received usual care like medication. And the benefits of acupuncture lasted for 12 months for some patients.
So, if you are struggling with depression and looking for an effective alternative to antidepressant medications, book an appointment with a therapist and get relief for depression by acupuncture in NYC.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

7 Ways To Use The Best Of Chinese Medicine To Boost Your Fertility

Are you trying to conceive and failing? Have you been dejected by the thousands of dollars spent in medical bills? There is an easier and a much more holistic approach to infertility treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM has, for hundreds of years, been instrumental in treating gynecological problems. According to TCM, all medical problems are a result of an imbalance in the body. It goes beyond the ideas of just yin and yang, into the concept of harmony. Unlike western medicine, an oriental practitioner will not simply treat the symptoms but delve into the root cause of the problem. He or she will look for the imbalance that is causing the symptoms in your body nd accordingly make a diagnosis. Traditional practices like acupuncture and herbal Chinese medicines are popular and effective alternatives to treat infertility.

So, here are seven ways to use the best of Chinese medicine to boost your fertility quickly:

1.TCM has proven to be a much faster and effective treatment of infertility than western medical practices. It shows results in around three to five months.             
2.Acupuncture, for almost 2000 years, has been used to treat various health issues in women, such as menstruation problems. It improves blood flow to reproductive organs and assists in healthy functioning of hormones.

3.If you are suffering from low sperm count or motility, you can show your laboratory results to the practitioner and he or she will be able to treat you according to your needs. Chinese medicine is known to improve sperm quality.

4.A common cause of problems like amenorrhoea (in women) and erectile dysfunction (in men) is an unhealthy diet and a stressful lifestyle. TCM not only seeks to improve your dietary habits but also steers you toward a more healthy lifestyle.

5.TCM also advises a reduction in the hours or the amount you exercise. According to a study, heavy exercising is associated with decreasing fertility.

6.Finding harmony and balance in your relationship with your partner is also an important aspect of TCM. It helps you develop a more congenial and compatible bond.

7.Warming your lower abdomen during the time after your periods and before ovulation is also another way to boost fertility. TCM believes that the lower abdomen stores the energy or “fire” and it is important to keep it warm.