Sunday, July 28, 2019

3 Frequently Asked Questions on Acupuncture for Depression

Acupuncture has been traditionally used for a number of ailments like menstrual cramps or arthritis. It has shown proven effect on pain management. Here are 3 most commonly asked questions by a patient opting acupuncture for the first time:

  1. Does acupuncture relieve depression or just associated symptoms?
It helps ease depression symptoms and other underlying condition. In a study by National Institute of Health, researchers found that electroacupuncture transmitted through the needles has the same effect as that of fluoxetine in easing depression symptoms.

  1. Does that mean it’s just a placebo effect?
If a patient receives a non- drug or control treatment like a sugar pill in place of a pain reliever and report symptom relief, it is characterized as placebo effect. Improvements after acupuncture aren’t just a placebo effect because it stimulates the trigger points on the body that releases hormone that can make a person feel better.

  1. Are there any side effects?
There are almost no risk involved best acupuncture cure for depression. A patient might experience mild effects which include:
  • itching at the area of treatment

  • allergic reaction to needles

  • soreness

  • bleeding from needle point

  • bruising around needle point

  • muscle twitching

  • tiredness

  • Drowsiness

There are very rare cases where acupuncture has caused any severe side effects like spinal injury, infection, and respiratory or cardiac problems. This could be a result of improper use of technique or either done by untrained professional.

Monday, July 1, 2019

3 Quick And Easy Way To Shed The Extra Pounds

Do you know that about half of the American population is suffering from morbid obesity? Weighing above the normal BMI can arouse serious health issues like blood pressure, diabetes, heart stroke and depression. Cutting down calories alone cannot help lose those extra pounds. To simplify this misconception, consider these three ways that can fasten the weight loss process.


Drinking water boosts the mechanism. Weak or slow metabolism delays the digestion of food and makes you even fatter. Water accelerates and activates the metabolism to breakdown food intake faster and efficiently. Also, inadequate water intake results in water retention which means the body starts consuming water from other organs to meet its requirements. It leads to swelling, puffiness and bloating. Make a chart or divide the number of glasses you’ll have to take in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. This will help you in keeping a track of your water intake.


Yes, you heard it right! It is the most misunderstood fact to stop eating to reduce weight. Ironically eating more often at regular intervals can help you lose weight faster. Take small meals at regular intervals instead of starving. Include loads of fibrous, protein rich foods like lentils, oats, barley to feel full without overeating. Consider taking herbs that promote weight loss. Shop for the best natural herbs for weight loss.


Dieting without exercise is waste. However, diet plays 80% of the role but is worthless without physical exercise. A brisk walk of 20 minutes or 20 minutes of cardio is enough to kick start your day. Walking is the best way to reduce weight. Walk 60 minutes a day to lose pounds and 90 minutes to maintain that slim figure.

Follow these easy to do habits and you’ll notice a significant change.